Culinary Page is committed to offering a quality online experience at our website. It is our utmost policy to ensure that all users, including persons with disabilities, has equal access to our digital content. We strive to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA to ensure our digital content and offerings are ADA Compliant.
Some, though not all, ways that Culinary Page is accessible and is meeting the above accessibility standards are:
- Our website can be navigated without the use of a mouse
- We provide closed captions for our videos
- We provide alternative text for our images
- We use independent tools to evaluate and improve the accessibility compliance
- We strive to maintain a consistent and predictable layout of all web pages on our website
Please be aware that our efforts to make our site user friendly and accessible for everyone are ongoing and we continually examine any changes or additions to our website to ensure accessibility compliance.
If you have any specific questions, suggestions or feedback about the accessibility of any particular web page on our website, please send us an email at Culinarypage @ (without spaces) and we will do our best to address your concerns.